
Kidsville USA’s COVID-19 Response Strategy


Dear Parents/Guardians:

Whenever children are together, there is a chance of spreading infections. This is especially true among infants and toddlers who are likely to use their hands to wipe their nose or rub their eyes or put toys in the mouth and then handle toys or touch other children. These children then touch their nose and rub their eyes, so the virus goes from the mouth, nose or eyes of one child by way of hands or toys to the next child who then rubs his own eyes or nose. And children get sick a lot in the first several years of life as their bodies are building immunity to infections.

Part of Kidsville USA’s COVID-19 response strategy effective may 11th, 2020 is to have parents’ drop-off / pick-up their children at the gate only. There will be no exception to this rule. Parents must wear gloves that will be provided before signing their children in and out. It is a must that your child washes their hands in the restroom outside prior to going to the classroom. There will be no exception to this rule. No parents will be allowed beyond the gate in order to prevent illnesses from spreading between the adults and children. If necessary, valet parking will be setup for this purpose. Kidsville USA is working together with the local health department, Social Services and CCRC and we have an important role in slowing the spread of diseases and protecting vulnerable students and staff, to help ensure students have a safe and healthy learning environment and to minimize disruption to teaching and learning.

Hours of Operation (Subject to change if there are new developments)

Monday  through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (4:00-6:00 p.m. closed for deep cleaning)

  • At the present time we are providing meals but that could change at any time due to shortage of food supplies.
  •  There will be no tuition adjustments for the period that the school is forced to remain closed as the staff needs to be paid and the building maintained.
  •  School-age: Please send that day’s homework package with your child to school so we can work with them daily in a learning environment.

To help keep Kidsville USA’s students, staff and their families healthy during this pandemic we ask that you:

· Please keep sick children home and we have also instructed the staff to stay home when sick.

· If the child is having respiratory symptoms (cough, runny nose, sore throat or shortness of breath) we highly encourage you to please keep the child at home.

· If the child is having a fever, please keep the child home and the child needs to remain at home until the fever has been gone for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medicines.

· Seek immediate medical care if symptoms become more severe, e.g., high fever or difficulty breathing.

· Use “respiratory etiquette” by covering a cough with a tissue or sleeve.

· Wash hands frequently. We encourage hand washing by children and staff through education and scheduled time for hand washing. Make sure your child understands good hygiene and the importance of hand washing after cleaning their nose, using the toilet, and before and after eating.

· We are routinely cleaning frequently touched surfaces and toys.

· We will monitor for absenteeism.

· It is critical to maintain confidentiality of the students and staff members as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act.

Even with all these prevention measures, it is likely that some infections will be spread in a childcare center. For many of these infections, a child is contagious a day or more before the child has symptoms. Be sure to wash your and your child’s hands frequently. You never know when your child or another child is passing a virus or bacteria. Sometimes your child will become sick while at childcare and need to go home. You will need to have a plan so someone can pick the child up immediately. Be certain that the school and classroom teacher always has a way to reach you —make your phone numbers at home and work available, as well as your cell phone number.

We are all in this together. We will also continue to regularly communicate with you so please check for messages and acknowledge receipt of the messages. Nothing is more important to us than the health and safety of our children. If you have any questions, please contact Maureen Fernando at 818-800-8562. Thank you for assistance, cooperation and flexibility, as we navigate this unprecedented situation together.